
flora, 1 thessalonians 5:16-18

flora, always be joyful.  
pray all the time.  
say thank you to Jesus no matter what.  
1 thess. 5:16-18

beloved lovey, bobbie

concentrating, with that tongue hanging out
loved by her big brother.  adored my her baby sister.  we call her the little mommie.  we had mac n cheese at dinner tonight and apparently i was eating rather quickly.  i caught her watching me and she said, "swallow that food mommie."  what!?
God truly made her with a servant's heart.  she wants to help.  loves to help.  she can snap out of a two-year-old-screaming-back-arching fit when she realizes that there is a job to be done and we need her help!  at the park she tells me she just wants to sit with the mommies and the babies.  at the pool she swims for 15 minutes and then tells me she wants her dry clothes on so she can go eat "freedoms" (fritos) with Barbie.  she doesn't miss a thing that is said.  and she doesn't forget anything.  we love this daughter of ours and are so glad that she is our honeybear.

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