
our summer list

with 3 young children, george is constantly reminding me to keep it simple.  he is so good at helping me remember that this is the season to stay home and enjoy it.  we like our morning nap time and so i do not make plans with friends before 11am.  i only have the brainpower to get out of the house with everyone in tow once a day.  if a 25min tv show is going to help me get dinner on the table...then turn it on!...heck let them watch two!
this is just a season.  have you heard that country song
"you're gonna miss this.
you're gonna want this back.
you're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast"
oh geez makes me cry every single time i hear it.  i could cry just typing it!
our simple summer list:
1.  splash park once a week
2.  golf cart rides
3.  popsicles with the neighbors
4.  have old friends (that we haven't seen in too long) over to grill and play
5.  swim obviously
6.  eat vegetables everyday
7.  family movie night
8.  make visits to our summer home (in wichita falls with my in-laws)
9.  use my big camera everyday again (the beautiful curse of the iPhone)
10.  easy family meals at keller's drive in


The Hunters said...

im pretty sure this plus more is why we are best friends!!!!!!!! love you bets!

Beth said...

Love this list - especially #4! ;)Can't wait to hang with you and the fam. And love you for keeping it real and simple!