
on my mind lately

(river in time out, and flora just had to come see him)

i have been thinking alot lately about HOW TO parent. so much of the parenting i have done so far has been tending to my children's physical needs. river is 2.5 and so we are now well into shepherding his little heart. this job is so hard and so huge!

how do i raise good kids? how do i insure that they love jesus? how do i raise them so they know Jesus loves them NO MATTER WHAT!? how do i raise them so that they like each other? when they are 18, 17 and 15 how do i make sure that they will still want to spend time as a family?
we went to wichita falls this weekend and i even got talking to my sister in law, carlye, about raising kids. its just been on my pregnant brain lately. God promises us ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE...so of course today i came across some good answers on how to raise children you like, written by Edie of Life in Grace

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