
6 weeks

flora is 6 weeks old and all of a sudden i feel like myself again. i didnt even know that i wasnt feeling like myself.

river, flora, and i went on long walks everyday this week! it feels so good to exercise again...and no i havent had a medical excuse for my lack of exercise.

i cooked my first ENTIRE meal since she was born. thankfully, we have had lots of meals brought to us by great friends, lots of meals at my parents house after the pool, and lots of sandwiches and salads and meals out of my freezer.

i baked during naptime on friday, rather than veg & nap like i have been in the habit of doing since being 7 months pregnant.
i crafted! put this sweet little skirt on this plain white onesie. i love how practical onesies are...and you know my love for ruffles, so it was only natural that flora needed a little flair to her normal uniform.

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