
moms, get in front of the camera!

like most moms out there, i am always taking the pictures and never IN the pictures. so, george and river have literally a hundred pictures together. me and river have 5. sad. so i am getting in more of the pictures! you should too. your kids will want to know what you looked like when they were littlewe went to our friend neal's first birthday party this past weekend. it was so much fun! they had animals...
i was ok with holding a pigbut not a skunk!is he too little to ride a pony?
i didnt think so either!


The Hunters said...
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The Buster Bunch said...

You have such a sweet family. Those pictures are great! Glad to see your beautiful face :)

Dale . Val . Cruz . Willow said...

I cant believe they had a skunk there, thats crazy. I love baby farm animals. Yall look so cute. Love ya kiss ya hug ya mean it.